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The Protecta 1340125 6 ft. long Shock Absorbing Lanyard is constructed with an anchorage end that can accommodate a number of different types of structures. The lanyard consists of 1-3/4 in. wide polyester web attached to a shock absorber/hook assembly. The 3600 lb. rebar anchorage hook has a wide 2 in. gate opening that easily connects to various structures. The shock absorber attaches to a full body harness via a standard 3600 lb. double locking snaphook (.8 in. opening). The shock absorber is designed to absorb the energy of an fall impact. The device will activate when a force of approximately 675 lbs. is applied, and will continue as long as the force of fall arrest meets or exceeds this value. The maximum extended length is 42 in. If the unit becomes fully extended, a polyester strap is incorporated into the device to act as a 100 percent back-up strap.
Applications: Construction, General Industrial, Mining, Oil & Gas
Key Features:
- 6 ft. (1.8m) single-leg lanyard
- Lightweight user friendly design
- PVC shock pack with protected label
- Abrasion resistant polyester webbing
- Energy absorbing design limits fall arrest forces
- User friendly self locking snap hook at one end
- Self-locking steel rebar hook at one end
- Impact indicator
Part Number:
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